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Obama - A 4th Place President

Obama Claims Title as The 4th Best President In History...

After his interview on 60 Minutes with correspondent, Steve Kroft, Obama's comments on being the fourth best ever President in his own opinion was edited out of the aired CBS broadcast, but CBS left it in for the online edition, "60 Overtime", in its entirety as shown in the 1 minute, 16 second video clip.

Carney Defends Obama as The 4th Best President In History... 

This would have been even better if Obama hadn’t conveniently interrupted Carney before he really answered the correspondent's question - it is, however, a telling 28 second video clip that suggests that a very paranoid Obama was impatiently waiting in the wings for the que, ready to go on the defensive, and showing insecurity by not letting his own staff handle the news media during a routine daily briefing and questions in the White House press room.


Obama can Debate on being The 4th Best President In History...

It will be interesting to hear his debating skills; after all, he will have to defend both sides of his mouth. Obama has pandered different tales to different audiences traveling across the country to amass votes. Can he stay on message during this campaign season?  Hopefully, the voters will see past the speeches with fancy rhetoric, sound bites with no substance and photo opportunities within a planned script to act out his messages.




 VOTE 2012!  ~



Obamacare's Free Patient Birth Control Services

Holy Homilies Your Popeship!

Given Free with Tithes in Offering Plate - 1 Dozen pk.

Washington, DC - February 10, 2012 - Obama loudly proclaimed that Government mandated Obamacare coverage is now provided by the Insurance Companies at no cost to patients for anHappy Condom is a 9 yr. old boy's pal - no STDs.yObamacare King kinds of contraceptives, "morning-after" abortion pills and sterilizations through faith-based entities such as churches and affiliated organizations. This is merely protecting the rights of all women regardless of Catholic Church objections to the contrary.

Don't forget all kids down to 16 yrs. old can now receive these same services mandated by the the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). These privacy laws don't require asking parents or guardians for any permission to get them or medical service providers to tell them about services either. 

So, now what is the Big Dealeo anyway? It's a win-win thing -- isn't everybody happy now?

The Insurance Companies were surprised and certainly not happy without first being consulted before Obama's speech that Insurance Companies would pay for this program Oh, Whoopsie Barak! 

The program costs in actuality, however, will be billed out to other patients through healthcare providers to shoulder all of these huge rate increases. The insurance companies will pay nothing, the taxpayers again get hosed instead.


 VOTE 2012!  ~



Rick Santorum Bolsters Conservative Plans

Rick's Plan - Alternative to Romney

The Ideal Candidate must get all the right qualities to win the race!

Rick Santorum has lagged in the primaries held since his Iowa win in early January. The three-state sweep on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 will bolster his argument that he, not Newt Gingrich, is the GOP's top alternative to Mitt Romney.

"Conservatism is alive and well in Missouri and Minnesota," Rick Santorum said at a victory rally in St. Charles, Mo. "I don't stand here to be the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney," he said, prompting loud shouts of support. "I stand here to be the conservative alternative to Barack Obama."

A Liberal Left-leaning Website ( spews out mantra that defines their differences from "Conservative thinking". Witness their own "question and answers" as proof to those absurdities. (My comments are in parenthesises)


"Does SMALL GOVERNMENT really mean no safety net for Black People and Hispanics? (How about a safety net for other ethnicities too or is this question laced with race-baiting?)

We have an unemployment rate of 8%. (The “real rate" is 15% which includes those discouraged and no longer actively seeking work and part-time workers who would like full-time employment). So by Conservatives needing smaller government - which really means less taxes for things (Like more government hand-outs?) other than war and prisons, (Like wars to fight our enemies and prisons to lock up bad criminals?). What about the 8% who cannot find jobs that do not exist? (Obama stopped the privatized pipeline project and others, then chooses which companies he wishes to invest in and fails). Or the 15% who cannot find jobs paying enough to support themselves and their families? (Why did the Obama economy fail them?) Or the 46% on the edge of poverty? (Obama has to spend more effort on job creation and less on class warfare)

The most Christian of us, Bachmann, Santorum, Gingrich, Paul say, "No work, no food." Pretty much the Republican line... But what about my math? (I did your math: 8% Unemployment + 8% No Jobs Available + 15% Paid too Low + 46% Edge of Poverty = It adds up to 77% Total). If there is no work... Something is very very wrong with Republicans, way down deep wrong. (Big problem in their final conclusion by combining unemployed workers with welfare recipients on the poverty edge to boost percentages for argument to show the Christian Republicans are bad deep down)." 

Also cited in the website was this study. Brock University in Ontario, Canada has released an in depth study about Conservatives following the lives of three groups of people, two in England and one in the "Untied States". Published recently in Psychological Science, the review can be found at the website Live Science: Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice.

A George Carlin Thought

This is another study which finds to only confirm what everyone already knows to be true. (Hmn...why do I think this opinion indicates biased research?). However they are defined - social conservatives, the Republican Base or Evangelical Christians - they will completely ignore this because it is "a study" and "studies" are like "science," just a pile of theoretical Godless crap. Here are some of the findings:

  • People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb.
  • They found that what applies to racism may also apply to homophobia. People who were poorer at abstract reasoning were more likely to exhibit prejudice against gays.
  • Anti-prejudice programs encourage participants to see things from another group's point of view. That mental exercise may be too taxing for people of low IQ.
  • Strict right-wing ideology might appeal to those who have trouble grasping the complexity of the world.

The negatives and outright B.S. already thrown out in this election year certainly show what Rick Santorum will be facing as he goes ahead in the race.  The personal attacks are ready to go full steam ahead!


 VOTE 2012!  ~



Obama: Our National Groundhog Day Event

 National Prayer Breakfast this year landed on February 2, Groundhog Day. How ironic is that? Just like in the movie, "Groundhog Day", Phil, a  TV weatherman (Obama) is bitter, appallingly self-centered, and treats all of his co-workers (Congress) with contempt while convinced that national news stardom (the 2012 Presidency) is in his grasp.

Filmed in Punxsutawney, PA, where the citizens await the appearance of Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog who will supposedly determine the length of winter by his ability to see his own shadow. a freak snowstorm strands him (Obama) in Punxsutawney, he (Obama) wakes up the next morning with the strangest sense of déjà vu: he (Obama) seems to be living the same day over again. The next morning it happens again, and then again. Soon, no matter what he (Obama) does, he's (Obama) stuck in February 2; not imprisonment nor attempted suicide nor kidnapping the groundhog gets him (Obama) out of the loop. But the more Phil (Obama) relives the same day, the more he's forced to look at other people's lives, and something unusual happens: he (Obama) begins to care about others, like being his Brother's Keeper? Is this Obama's epiphany, a sudden amazing insight?  Nah, Read on!...  It's like Groundhog Day All Over Again - Except, it's all about Obama's "Nanny State" Programs!

Barack Obama's Faith is Misplaced

  Obama the Messiah, "The Anointed One"At the National Prayer Breakfast, February 2, 2012, Obama once again established his personal theological basis for everything from ObamaCare to taking on Wall Street to bombing Libya:

  "[P]art of that belief comes from my faith in the idea that I am my brother’s keeper and I am my sister’s keeper; that as a country, we rise and fall together. I’m not an island. I’m not alone in my success. I succeed because others succeed with me."

Obama: Our Brother's Keeper

But is it true? Am I my "brother's keeper"? And if so, what should government do about it?

The specific phrase "brother's keeper" is used just once in the Bible -- the account of Cain and Abel. From the context of that verse and the meaning and usage of the Hebrew word "shamar" (to keep), "the answer is clearly no".

I find no biblical directives to "keep" another human being as implied in the Hebrew "shamar." Cain's use of the phrase was actually in his own defense. Instead, we are told first and foremost that God keeps us and that we are to keep His law. The "keeping" relationship is vertical -- God to man, and in response, man to God's ways. For one man to assume the role of "keeper" for another man is to interfere with the God-man relationship. 

And that's exactly what Obama's Marxist liberation theology seeks to do -- place Communist Karl Marx gives the Peace Signman in the role of God.

This is not a small point. Obama is making his class-envy, statist philosophy the centerpiece of his campaign. He is bragging about the government's takeover of General Motors (even though it cost taxpayers tens of billions of dollars). He is openly attacking the free market and capitalism. And he is (wrongly) using theology -- the brother's keeper "principle" -- to defend his point.

Even if Obama were correct that the Bible teaches that one man has a responsibility to "keep" another man, Obama would then still have to justify that, under our Constitution, that government has a legitimate "keeper" role.  The Constitution makes no such claim over the lives of "We The People".  But unfortunately, that's what we have today -- a "Nanny" state that "Keeps" people!

Blog Credits:

D.K. Dickey

 "Obama Visits Punxsutawney Phil on Feb 2"  


 Steve Elliot

  "Barack Obama's Faith Misplaced"

  "Obama: Our Brothers Keeper"

   ~  REMEMBER... 

 VOTE 2012!  ~



Obama Campaign 2012 Ads

"You ain't seen nothing yet!"

This is what happens when the Obama Presidential Campaign rhetoric heats up after the Republican Party picks its candidate! 


For the first time ever, U.S. voters will see how much overall spending by all candidates in 2012 is predicted to eclipse an astounding $8 billion Election Price Tag.     

What does $1 Billion dollars of Obama campaign funds buy in the 2012 Presidential Election? $7,526.61 per vote cast regardless of party. That's based on $1 Billion/132,862,082 total voters, excluding all government costs for election precinct equipment and facilities, administering voter ballots and post-election tally counts.

For Obama to win, the percentage of Democrats, Republicans plus Independents ballots cast would be 50% of the voters, the cost per net voter is then $15,000 per ballot cast ($1 Billion/66,431,041 voters = $15,053.22) - That is 28% of all registered voters. Do the math!  

The Republicans have not publically projected as yet what their campaign war chest will hold until their own candidate is chosen.  But, it will be definitely up there with Obama.

Bottom Line:  Look out! ...All this shit will hit the fan and splatter everyone!

U.S. Voter Turnout in Federal Elections: 2000 - 2012


The U.S. Census Bureau projected the total population to be 312,939,644 as of 01/31/12.

2012  Voter Age Pop: 240,256,931   Voter Turnout: 132,862,082 (55.3%)

2010  Voter Age Pop: 235,809,263   Voter Turnout:   90,682,968 (37.8%)

2008 Voter Age Pop: 231,229,580   Voter Turnout: 138,212,580 (56.8%)

2006  Voter Age Pop: 220,600,000   Voter Turnout:   80,588,000 (37.1%)

2004 Voter Age Pop: 221,256,931   Voter Turnout: 122,294,978 (55.3%)

2002  Voter Age Pop: 215,473,000   Voter Turnout:    79,830,119 (55.3%)

2000 Voter Age Pop: 205,815,000   Voter Turnout: 105,586,274 (51.3%)

NOTE:  2012 - Projected Voter Forecast


VOTE 2012!  ~