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Entries in Islamic Terrorism (5)


Hitler & Muslim Grand Mufti Share Anti-Jew Views

Where is the outrage when public executions are considered more important than guilt or innocence? Is it then the sole intention to merely show the gruesome fate that all dissenters will suffer under penalty of death?

Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini & Adolph Hitler - 1941These public demonstrations go back under the British Mandate when the mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini was the key nationalist figure among Muslims in Palestine. Fearful that increased Jewish immigration to Palestine would damage Arab standing in the area, the mufti engineered the bloody riots against Jewish settlement in 1929 and 1936. The mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini killed Palestinians who were amenable to a Jewish presence in the region. The mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini was also a Nazi sympathizer and unabashed antisemite who visited Munich, Germany and Herr Adolph Hitler. His personal travel itinerary included side trips to the SS Gen. Himmler at POW Camp.Jewish Holocaust concentration camps and SS General Heinrich Himmler with SS troop inspections in Bosnia.  

In the 1980's under Yasser Arafat's leadership, the 'Fatah' evolved from a resistance groupMufti & SS Gen. Heinrich Himmler  into the dominant faction of the militant 'PLO', Palestine Liberation Organization. The movement has fallen from its position of dominance since the death of Yasser Arafat in 2004, and in 2006 lost parliamentary elections to the militant 'Hamas' group. In June, 2007, it was effectively driven out of the Gaza Strip after violent clashes with Hamas. No doubt that these Hamas militants are violent, evil terrorists.

Where are all of the Palestinian moderates that can negotiate peace with Israelis?

Hamas Ensignia

The real ugly truth is that Hamas suspiciously considers their fellow Palestinians as Jewish collaborators when they advocate talks with the Jews. On August 22, 2014, recent barbarous atrocities bear this out with eighteen Palestinians executed with a shot to the head and then sprayed with automatic gunfire. These public displays of Hamas executions followed an Israeli retaliatory attack that killed three senior commanders of Hamas' military wing for them shooting rockets into Israel that killed more civilians after Hamas violated another ceasefire. 

During the memorable 1980 anti-Israel 'infitada' or uprising, in Gaza Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction murdered eight hundred Palestinians for collaboration with the Jews.

How can the Palestinians ever have peace if they keep on executing the ones that want peace? ...And the Jewish State is blamed for this middle East terrorism? 


Muslim History Molds Obama Choices for Future  

Islam is the religion of about one billion people and is a rapidly growing faith, particularly in Africa but also elsewhere in the world. The United States, for example, boasts almost a million converts to Islam (plus an even larger number of Muslim immigrants). The last of the three major Middle Eastern monotheisms, Muslims believe that their faith improves on the earlier ones. In their telling, Judaism and Christianity are but defective variants of Islam, which is God's final, perfect religion. 

If you go back far in history...

Adopting the world's clearly false, politically correct (PC) view of the place of the Crusades in history, Muslims have claimed the First Crusades were where the East first met the West, as if the Christians had invented the concept of a holy war against them. However, in examining the timing of many epoch events from 2 A.D. to 1099 A.D., sequentially prior to the First Crusades, they disprove that claim entirely. 

East and West had been fighting for at least 1,500 years before the first Crusade. The Romans established by bloody military conquest colonies in Mesopotamia, northwestern Arabia, and Assyria in the second century A.D. The Greek, Alexander the Great, attempted to conquer all of Asia, as far as India, in the fourth century B.C.  The Persians invaded Europe in an attempt to conquer the Greeks in the fifth century B.C.

In 624 A.D., Mohammed was a merchant in Arabia who had led a raid for booty and plunder against a Meccan caravan, killing 70 Meccans for mere material gain.

Between 630 A.D. and the death of Mohammed in 632 A.D., Muslims -- on at least one occasion led by Mohammed -- had conquered the bulk of western Arabia and southern Palestine through approximately a dozen separate invasions and bloody conquests. These conquests were in large part their own "Holy wars."

In 632 A.D., after Mohammed's death, the new Muslim caliph, Abu Bakr, launched Islam through invasion and war into almost 1,500 years of continual imperialist, colonialist, bloody conquest and subjugation of others, a role Islam continues to this very day.

From 632 A.D. to 661 A.D., Muslim conquests of the Levant, Christians suffered from the murderous invasions of Muslim conquerors who killed tens of thousands of Christians through four-and-one-half centuries of Muslim imperialist, colonialist conquest, made slaves and eunuchs of Christians for the pleasure of the caliphs, burned down or sacked the holiest churches in Christendom, robbed and killed thousands of Christians on holy pilgrimage, brutally sacked and pillaged Jerusalem, and pillaged the countryside of Israel.

In 732 AD the Muslim Army which was moving on Paris was defeated and turned back at Tours, France, by Charles Martel. 

In 1096–1099, the First Crusade started as a widespread pilgrimage (France and Germany) and ended as a military expedition by Roman Catholic Europe to regain the Holy Lands taken in the Muslim conquests of the Levant (632–661). The Crusaders ultimately won resulting in the recapture of Jerusalem in 1099 AD. The murderous and pillaging acts of the Crusaders when they entered Jerusalem were barbaric, unchristian, and evil. This is particularly so as those acts were carried on in the name of a religion of peace, love, and forgiveness to free the people of the Holy Land from their brutal masters and reclaim Christianity's holiest places for free Christian worship. Hatred had spurred the battles on as retributions were meted out in the victorious aftermath of the Crusades. Again, the bloody history of Islamic-Christian clashes did not end there; only to be fought in another day.

It illustrated the bitter divide between the Muslims against Christians and Jews which continues on with the violent actions of Muslims in the twenty-first century to regain their territorial claims with the annilation of Jerusalem Jews and establishment of a Muslim Palestinian State.

In 1571 AD the Muslim Army/Navy attacked southern Europe in the Battle of Le Panto and was defeated by the Italians and Austrians as they tried to cross the Mediterranean Sea.

In 1683 AD the Turkish Muslim Army, attacked Eastern Europe and was finally defeated in the Battle of Vienna by German and Polish Christian Armies.

This fighting has been going on over 1,400 years. Most U.S. politicians don't even know about history which makes them clueless to understand the upcoming Muslim Caliphate in the Middle East!

On Infidels - Non-Believers...

Christianity would be non-existent if those battles had not been won; we would be all speaking Arabic.

Judaism certainly would have been annihilated... And let us not forget that Hitler was an admirer of Islam and that the Mufti of Jerusalem was Hitler's guest in Berlin who raised Bosnian Muslim SS Divisions: the 13th and 21st Waffen SS Divisions killing Jews, Russians, Gypsies, and any other types of 'subhumans'.


A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they imagine that America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves.

Pause a moment, reflect back. These Muslim atrocities are from recent history. ...over the past fifty years to present.

Do you remember?... 

1. In 1968, Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, a Muslim. In 1989, he told interviewer David Frost, "My only connection with Robert Kennedy was his sole support of Israel and his deliberate attempt to send those 50 bombers to Israel to obviously do harm to the Palestinians." Some scholars believe that the assassination was the first major incident of political violence in the United States stemming from the Arab–Israeli conflict in the Middle East.

2. In 1972, at the Munich Olympics, 11 Israeli athletes were kidnapped and massacred by Muslims.

3. In 1972, a Pan Am 747 was hijacked and eventually diverted to Cairo where a fuse was lit on final approach, it was blown up shortly after landing by Muslims.

4. In 1973, a Pan Am 707 was destroyed in Rome, with 33 people killed, when it was attacked with grenades by Muslims.

5. In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over and 52 hostages taken 444 days by Muslims.

6. In the 1980's, Americans kidnapped with 25 hostages taken, two killed, in Lebanon by Muslims.

7. In 1983, Beirut US Marine barracks was blown up, 241 soldiers killed by Muslims.

8. In 1985, the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by Muslims.

9. In 1985, TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, and a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by Muslims.

10. In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 (Lockerbie, Scotland bombing) was a Pan Am transatlantic flight from Frankfurt to Detroit  was bombed by Muslims killing all 259 passengers and crew on board.

11. In 1993, the World Trade Center was first bombed with 6 killed, 100 wounded by Muslims.

12. In 1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed with 258 killed and 5,000 injured by Muslims.

13. In 2000, the USS Cole was attacked by suicide bombers who killed 17 sailors, while in port in Aden, Yemen for refueling. The attack was attributed to al Qaeda Muslims and foreshadowed the attack on the U.S. less than one year later on September 11, 2001.

14. In 2001, on 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as missiles to take down the World Trade Centers and of the remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was diverted and crashed by the passengers. About 3,000 people were killed by Muslims.

15. In 2002, the United States began a war in Afghanistan against al Queda and as of June 2014  up to 2,164 soldiers have been killed by Muslim terrorists.

16. In 2002, reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and beheaded in Afghanistan by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a Muslim.

17. In 2012, on 9/11/12, U.S. Benghazi diplomatic mission was attacked and four Americans killed including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Information Mgt. Officer Sean Smith, security officers Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty by Muslim terrorists. 

18. In 2013, Boston Marathon Bombing 4 Innocent people including a child killed, 264 injured by Muslims. 

The Obama 'Cut and Run' Doctrine has doomed the Middle East to war since theObama confers with Sec of State Hillary Clinton. Caliphate is now on the march, has not relented or been apologetic for any overt aggressions in the Middle Eastern region. Talking about peace is now over and that was all that Obama had anyway in his military arsenal after his Arab Spring 'feel-good' strategies for kumbaya moments. Now that U.S. foreign policy is in a hapless position, like Scarlett O'Hara in 'Gone with the Wind', Obama says, "I'll think about that Tomorrow....After all, Tomorrow is another Day!" and so Obama has turned his attentions homeward ignoring any further military incursions abroad.

Obama clearly explains his Egyptian foreign policies.Here in the United States our major national policies are in flux due to those efforts being diverted to domestic issues by the Obama administration. Now American politics to bolster the outgoing Obama legacy is taking precedence over our defense, safety and well-being of the country. As an outgoing President he is looking for any disparate policy wins to seal his record accomplishments as he comes down to the finish line--it looks pretty slim too; and he knows it.

So Muslim History shapes Obama's future just like Jimmy Carter suffering under the Iran Hostage Crisis, except this time the President will not be alone.

  • Hillary Clinton, the upcoming Democrat Presidential candidate, was absolutely complicit in crafting major Obama foreign policies and international relations while overseeing his failed affairs as U.S. Secretary of State--not exactly a steller record to stand on--it's really toxic political poison! 



Chemical Warfare Cures Common Cold

The public perception about chemical weapons had an auspicious moment, promising in an odd way that it was designed to humanly disable or kill enemies in combat while offering a positive biological medicinal value - to cure the common cold.

In the midst of WWI started in 1914, before our 1917 entry, the United States in 1916 lost its major dye supplier, Germany.  The "dye famine" sparked a wave of nationalistic fervor that helped the development of the fledgling U.S. dye industry. Newspaper editorials promoted the strategic value of the industry, since the nitration capacity for dye intermediates could be switched to production of high explosives for artillery shells and chemical gases in wartime.

"The Chemical Warfare Service was established on June 28, 1918. Combining activities which until then had been dispersed among five separate agencies of Government, it was made a permanent branch of the Regular Army by the National Defense Act of 1920. In the act of 1945, it was redesignated the Chemical Corps.

The specialty of the officers of the U.S. Army Chemical Warfare Service (CWS) had beenResearchers in a chemical lab at the Army’s Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland, ca. World War I. invaluable during the First World War. The nations that fought each other in the trenches of France made widespread use of poisonous gasses. Fighting in a place where chemical weapons attacks were a commonplace occurrence, soldiers relied on the Chemical Warfare Service (CWS) to help them protect themselves from enemy gas and to manufacture and deploy America’s own weapons against the enemy. It is ironic, then, that once the war ended the service itself would come under attack; not from foreign enemies but from Americans.

The U.S. Chemical Warfare Service (CWS) tried to change public opinion about chemical weapons in the 1920s, how well did they succeed? Along with their literary efforts, the officers of the CWS also worked hard to popularize themselves by experimenting with new uses for old gasses throughout the early 1920s. They believed that one reason for public apprehension about chemical weapons was that war gasses had no real peacetime uses. They labored to find such uses so that the American public and the military would look more favorably on the work of the CWS.

In his 2001 book 'War and Nature', Edmund Russell described the relationship between the military, the commercial chemical industry, and the American public in the development of insecticides and other pest poisons in the 1920s. The CWS was a key participant in this story, since they were the military branch that dealt most with chemical weapons and had the closest relationship with the commercial chemical industry. Helping to develop insecticides was an important way that the CWS promoted new uses for old war gasses. Some were initially skeptical of the potential of poison gas as a fumigant. In 1921 the Department of Agriculture publicly announced that they did not support the CWS’s pesticide experiments. 

In the face of such doubts, however, Army researchers eventually figured out ways to kill pests with chemicals originally designed to kill humans. The CWS’s insecticide program stands out as one of their best known and successful postwar projects. They were able to use it to help convince Americans of the utility of war gasses and the soldiers who dealt with them. But their success with insects was the exception rather than the rule. Many of their other attempts to find uses for war gasses in the 1920s failed.

President Calvin CooliidgeThe CWS publicized this research into poison gas treatments for respiratory ailments as a breakthrough in the treatment of disease. They organized a series of publicity stunts to advertise the healing power of chlorine gas. In May 1924 the CWS sealed President Calvin Coolidge into a gas chamber and pumped in low levels of chlorine gas to cure his cold. After 45 minutes inside the chamber, Coolidge emerged and returned to work. A representative of his administration told reporters that the President felt much better, and that “all of the depression and lack of energy that accompanies a cold . . . had disappeared.” Apparently, spending almost an hour alone in a gas chamber breathing poison fumes could put the spring back in your step. Coolidge was so pleased with the results that he returned for a second treatment the next day, but this time brought his wife to sit with him in the chamber while the gas was being administered. She did not have a cold, but reportedly wanted to experience the process anyway.  After a third treatment on the third day, President Coolidge reported that his cold was gone.

In the months that followed the gassing of the President, General Amos Fries, Head of the CWS, and the rest of the CWS had to defend the chlorine gas cure against critics. In 1925, when the New York Department of Health called the Chemical Warfare Service’s record of success exaggerated, Amos Fries publicly defended the cure again as a breakthrough. As evidence, he offered the results of the largest publicity stunt they had yet attempted. In a committee room on Capitol Hill, the CWS gassed 23 Senators, 146 House Members, and 1,000 of their staff members, friends, and family. Fries said that “no accurate record was kept of these cases,” but concluded that the majority of them were cured of their ailments by poison gas. Later that year the University of Minnesota conducted a controlled experiment with both patients who had been administered chlorine gas and patients who had not. The University of Minnesota was able to demonstrate empirically that both sets of patients recovered at the same speed, proving war gasses were useless as a medical treatment - They failed to cure the common cold."


In my research an interesting dynamic was revealed that defines the "Military-Industrial-Complex", ominously "MIC", was made famous by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his 1961 farewell address. The term is used anachronistically to refer to the 'merchants of death' debates in the 1930s over the alleged conspiracy of arms manufacturers and bankers for U.S. intervention in World War I. In these cases, there is no complex of military-industry at work. Instead, industry employs bribery and propaganda to increase profits and alter government policy.

In the 2001 'War and Nature', Edmund Russell described the relationship between the military, the commercial chemical industry, and the American public in the development of insecticides and other pest poisons in the 1920s after World War I. The manufacturing of poisonous gases relied on the manufacturer of dye which contained the necessary ingredients for chemical weapons, At the turn of the twentieth century, the United States imported much of it from Germany. Upon entry into WWI in April, 1917, the U.S. relinquished its "neutral nation status" to become an adversary of Germany and thereby ended trade and commerce until after the November, 1918 Armistice Agreement.

During the World War I dye famine, American companies struggled to produce synthetic dyes formerly imported from Germany. There were few American chemists with the requisite know-how of dye-making and this presented a major technology barrier. The demand for domestic dyes was insatiable during the war and selling prices rose spectacularly. In 1914 sulfur black, one of the largest volume dyes used in the textile industry, sold for $0.20 per pound.  During 1915 the price soared to $2.75-3.00 per pound.

The daring exploits of chemists, dye manufacturing companies,  and governments on both sides of World War I demonstrated the importance of chemical industry trade secrets to the outcome of the war.  But also at stake for the victor was the domination of the global economy by superior technology. The war ended the German monopoly of the dye industry, with the U.S. emerging as the world leader.

The trade secrets learned from unraveling the chemistry of synthetic dyes led to new developments in pharmaceuticals, fibers, rubber, plastics and many other products. The U.S. economy is still the world's largest based on continuing advances in research and technology.

So today, the "Military-Industrial-Complex" is subject to the risk and consequences of taking actions in war with the parallel collateral reaction of public scrutiny.  End results are the only measurement of war; therefore, the credibility of actions are not fancy rhetoric afterwards but the facts as they are set forth as they speak for themselves. 


Obama's Latin 101 Vocabulary Lesson

After locking down U.S. embassies and beefing up domestic security based on new intelligence about terror threats over the weekend, the White House spent a Monday afternoon press briefing defending President Obama’s repeated reelection campaign claims that al-Qaeda had been “decimated” or was on the run.

Senatus Populusque Quiritum Romanorum - Senate & People of Rome

A Latin 101 vocabulary lesson.

Decimation (Latin: decimatio; decem = "ten") was a form of military discipline used by senior commanders in the Roman Army to punish capital offenses such as mutiny or desertion. The word decimation is derived from Latin meaning "removal of a tenth". The procedure was a pragmatic attempt to balance the need to punish serious offenses with the practicalities of dealing with a large group of offenders. Decimation means that ten percent are executed, leaving ninety percent to fight another day.

It seems though that our worldly, experienced, United States Commander-in-Chief Obama has run afoul of military parlance once again.  Do you recall the "Corpse man" description of soldiers at White House ceremonies? Remember when he announced to the entire world our troop strategies on a 2014 withdrawal schedule and troop numbers left behind? Obama in a Nov 12, 2012 Green bay campaign speech said, "That Osama bin Ladin was dead, we have "decimated" al Queda and they are on the run". Obama meant to state that they were whittled down to a rag-tag tiny bunch scampering off with their tail between their legs, not ninety percent strong... Oops!

This week on August 5, 2013 White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney repeated, “There is no question that al-Qaeda the core leadership, the leadership that attacked the United States on Sept. 11, 2001 has been decimated, al-Qaeda core in the Af-Pak region has been greatly diminished and is on the run.” Carney said, “We have brought continual pressure to bear on both al-Qaeda core and al-Qaeda affiliates."

Obama said, "al Queda is on the run" - right out of prisons!Regrettably many prison breaks in recent weeks in Arab countries spanning across the middle-East like Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan have invigorated the al Queda ranks with new troops with a promise to jihadists that even after capture "no man is left behind" in prison cells. These developments sure make me, as an American, feel really safe and secure that Commander-in-Chief Obama will keep these militants from ever reaching our shores. Through our porous U.S. borders, troops reductions, U.S. military defense cut-backs along with faulty, weak domestic homeland security programs and policies terror threats will only reflect higher probabilities of credible success.


Obama's History Lesson

My previous blog in our History Matters section referred to a 1943 Anti-Hitler Disney Cartoon film.  It is a fine example of Walt Disney's genius at work supporting our American ideals which shows the political climate then that existed under the Nazi threat towards the United States during WWII.

It is not any different today as the threat of Islamic Extremist Terrorism is a constant reminder to remain vigilant too. So, is it instructive to learn from past aggressions to defend ourselves? Ironically, the Nazis never dealt a devastating blow physically to the United States on American soil like the Islamic 9/11 terrorist attacks. 

                Time: 7:56

Now after two successful 9/11 terrorist attacks, most American students still will not learn their historical facts because of our inferior public schools at all levels have dropped the ball scholastically or deliberately omitted it due to liberal ideology on civics, history, political science and social studies. 

Pitifully the prevalent politically correct, anti-American diatribe and counter-capitalism demagoguery of American business in school curriculums has taught dangerous historical facts to students that endanger our country. Witness the wrong conclusions due to their ignorance:

Actual unedited emails below from You Tube Video Comments - names changed.

  • don't think Disney was really going for realism here. And since the Soviets were allies of America at the time, it wouldn't make sense for the propoganda to be against them.

  • True, but I think the point of the cartoon was to more or less exaggerate the way of life in Germany at the time in order to make people support the Allies. The idea of working "like slaves" might've come from the fact that Hitler put a lot of Germans to work, but that was actually a good thing for the German people and the economy, since before the Nazis there was rampant inflation and unemployment. (Of course, the regime was horrid, but not necessarily in the ways the cartoon says it was.)

If smith123 was in his history class, he would know that Russia and a murderer like Joe Stalin who purged millions during a purge of Russian people was no real friend of the United States, especially after he locked up most of the European countries behind "The Iron Curtain" while divvying up World War II spoils in the Potsdam agreement at the end of war. 

The second comment of smith123 glaringly shows he was not aware of the Weimar Republic which had German government printing presses going wild printing money.  Hitler did  put a lot of people to work in the military, some in armament factories and others in concentration camps. smith123 said that was good because they were working and he was not blaming the Nazis for the rampant inflation with subsequent unemployment as the German economy collapsed.

In the end, smith123 conceded "the Nazis regime was "horrid", but not necessarily in the ways the cartoon says it was."  Oh really? ...Gasing and killing Jewish prisoners and others while trampling on through countries as they spread out their pernicious tentacles throughout Europe and the world.

Our future is set up by our past, so the lack of learning about past history dooms us to another Islamic terrorist attack.  But it may not possibly happen again, so who can tell what year?  Yeah, but how about learning from the past about a date in a month like 9/11? Could that be a significant date? 

Apparently Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton knew nothing or just forgot about the historical significance. They both can unequivocally say here, "Blame it on Bush!". So true, so true, since 9/11/01 there was no further terrorist attacks under Bush's Homeland Security programs continuing on under the Obama watch in his first term.  However, Obama became cocky, complacent, dismissive of the terrorist threat since Osama Bin Laden is dead and let down his guard and U.S. defenses.

National security is not one drone strike away, it is an ongoing war... Look at History!