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Entries in Obama Presidential Elections (31)


Michelle Swears in the Oath Ignorant of the Facts

On 18 June 2014, First Lady Michelle Obama attended a ceremony at the National Archives rotunda in Washington, D.C., in which 51 foreign-born immigrants were sworn in as American citizens:

“It’s amazing that just a few feet from here where I’m standing are the signatures of the 56 Founders who put their names on a Declaration that changed the course of history. And like the 50 of you, none of them were born American — they became American."

In Michelle's remarks she noted that the Founding Fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence — like current immigrants to the U.S. — became Americans rather than being born Americans.

What the First Lady was communicating on this occasion was that the Founding Fathers were not born into a fully formed and established America with its own history, customs, culture, and values, as modern American children are; they were born into a very different world as British subjects in a colonial empire, and they chose to seek new opportunities and lives for themselves - just as modern immigrants born outside America choose to transform their worlds by opting to leave their homelands for the United States and seek new lives through becoming Americans.
So there's the history rewrite: the founding fathers actually are not like today's modern immigrants as they had transformed their world into something distinctive through the establishment of a new nation that made them quite different from any immigrants who followed them later--they established American freedoms that others later were seeking, a Constitutional freedom that the rest of the world has never been offered or ever had in history. 

In a strictly literal sense none of the Founding Fathers was born in the United States of America, because that country did not exist until they brought it into being through their efforts. It is true that many of the Founding Fathers were born in the original thirteen British colonies that later became the United States of America after those colonies jointly declared their independence from Great Britain in 1776. Michelle Obama’s remarks did not, however, as implied in the example quoted above, express her ignorance of that fact. 

Michelle Obama turned a flag-waving swearing-in ceremony for 50 new American citizens into a platform to call for action on the long-bogged-down issue of immigration reforms by the Obama administration. 

Who were the 56 signators of the Declaration of Independence?


Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two Lost their sons in the revolutionary army, another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the revolutionary war.

They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.

What kind of men were they? Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists, eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners who were men of means and educated. They signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.


2008 GWB vs. 2015 BHO Impeachment Actions

It will not be surprising that there will not be a peep or whisper from any mainstream media liberals that President Obama has ever committed any impeachable offenses, much less than ever going forward with a loud brouhaha about any signed articles of impeachment against Obama like what was passed in the House against President George W. Bush. The so-called charges detailed in the G.W. Bush impeachment resolution had indicated an unprecedented abuse of his executive power to sell the war in Iraq to the American people. So after all of the screaming in the end-game scenario for G.W. Bush as a shameless lame duck President, he left public office rendering those impeachment efforts moot. The public spectacles, however, were created.

President B.H. Obama also leaves as lame duck President, but with no such taint of impeachment resolutions about his Presidential Order on immigration or loud media uproar about his shamelessness since the liberal congress will do nothing and the silent press were complicit with President Obama. The public spectacular lies, however, will be created. 

Background Info: Jonathan Turley in 2007 was a frequent on-air legal analyst contributor to the uber-liberal Keith Oberman host on his 'Countdown' show on the left-wing Air-America channel. Both the 'Countdown' show which is now defunct and the Air-America channel struggled due to low viewer ratings which went off the air in January 2010. 

Bio: Professor Jonathan Turley is a nationally recognized legal scholar who has written extensively in areas ranging from constitutional law to legal theory to tort law. He has written over three dozen academic articles that have appeared in a variety of leading law journals at Cornell, Duke, Georgetown, Harvard, Northwestern, University of Chicago, and other schools.

Jonathan Turley has historically picked upon the liberal vanguards of societal injustice, progressive political causes and ideas to champion. However, many of his personal views align with the ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union, which further enable political debate on whether those views really value our core basic Constitutional principles or open them up to Supreme Court Judicial review to revise the Constitutional Laws as written. It is this revisionist interpretation that is undermining our Republic today while turning over power to the Federal government instead of the people.

An interesting and informative 'rear-view mirror' glance back to the Jonathan Turley blog site in an October 2007 visitor question has an eye-opening response from Jonathan Turley.


Blog Site Question: 

On 1, October 16, 2007 at 10:19 pm             James B. Roth

Dear Mr. Turley,

PLEASE help me!!

Knowing the Constitution and Bill of Rights as well as you do, would you say that Bush and/or Cheney have violated the Constitution and/or Bill of Rights enough to be impeached?

My congressman, Robert Wexler, (D-FL U.S. Rep.) says no. If he is mistaken, I would like to give him a list of impeachable offenses if I could. Please help me to compile such a list.


Blog Site Reponse:

on 1, October 17, 2007 at 11:55 pm                  

Dear Mr. Roth,

In my view, President Bush clearly committed an impeachable offense in ordering the domestic surveillance program which is a federal crime.

The Democrats, however, allowed the law to be extended in one of the most bizarre decisions in decades. The White House immediately claimed that the move established its legality. There are a variety of alleged violations of law but little serious effort in Congress to force disclosure of the information. Years ago, Democratic leadership promised not to allow impeachment investigations let alone proceedings.

Jonathan Turley


Ex Post Facto Info: 

On June 10, 2008 U.S. Rep. Wexler co-sponsored and signed Dennis Kucinich's articles of impeachment for George W. Bush. He referred to the Congressional Oath of Office saying it was the duty of Congress to act, and stated: "President Bush deliberately created a massive propaganda campaign to sell the war in Iraq to the American people and the charges detailed in this impeachment resolution indicate an unprecedented abuse of executive power."

The House voted 251 to 166 to refer the impeachment resolution to the Judiciary Committee on July 25, 2008, where no further action was taken on it. Bush's presidency ended on January 20, 2009, with the completion of his second term in office, rendering impeachment efforts moot.  


Four Questions Obama Not Answered Yet - Can You?

For all of the "anti-Fox News" folks, none of this information came from Fox. All of it can be verified from legitimate sources (Wikipedia, the Kapiolani hospital website itself, and a good history book, as noted herein). It is very easy for someone to check out. 


4 Simple Questions 

  • Back in 1961 "people of color" were called "Negroes." 

1. So, how can the Obama 'birth certificate' state his father's race as "African" American when the term wasn't even used at that time?   

  • The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama's birth as August 4, 1961 and lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. No big deal, Right? At the time of Obama's birth, it also shows that his father is aged 25 years old, and that Obama's father was born in "Kenya, Africa.” This wouldn't seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama's birth, and 27 years after his father's birth. 

2. How could Obama's father have been born in a country that did not yet exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the "British East Africa Protectorate". 

  • On the Birth Certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital". This cannot be because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called "Kauikeolani Children's Hospital" and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home", respectively. The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. 

3. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978?


  • In Obama's book “Dreams from my Father” it states how proud he was of his father fighting in WW II. Barack Obama's "birth certificate" states his father was 25 years old in 1961 which means his date of birth was 1936. Any history book verifies that WW II was between 1939 and 1945. Just how many 3 year olds fight in Wars? Even in the latest stages of WW II his father wouldn't have been more than 9 years old. 

4. Does that mean that Mr. Obama is personally unprincipled, or simply chooses to alter the facts to bolster his weak resume or for unscrupulous political purposes?

Why haven't any of these questions been really answered in the major media and forgotten?


Every U.S. Voter is a Winner!

How egalitarian is the 'right to vote' as it is relating to, or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities? Under our U.S. Constitutional law, it guarantees the people their voice in how the government operates. Every U.S. voter lives in a free society that recognizes their legal rights under law as well as their natural, universal inalienable rights that are inseparable from the individual. It's like winning the Super Lotto!

To boost voter turnout, a large municipal authority, the Los Angeles Ethics Commission has proposed an idea to lure more voters to the polls. With a miniscule 23% of registered voter turnout for the 2012 Mayoral election, down from 37% in 2001, and a dismal 15% turnout for 2013 district elections, L.A. City Council President Herb Wesson said, "Voter turnout was abysmal, and it's embarrassing." So, in a bid to raise voter turnout, the commission has voted to send to the City Council a proposal for a ballot measure to be sent to voters that changes the city charter to allow 'cash prize lotteries' to entice voter turnout in only municipal elections without any Federal offices or measures.

It's a sad commentary when voters have to be enticed to get out to vote with a promise of winning a lotto! Worse, who are they going to vote for when they get to the polls? The guy that brought them to the party, the 'voter van' or the 'voter taxi' rides sponsored by a political candidate or party? Don't dispair though, maybe you have to know a little more about Pre-American history...

Here is a tale from 1758, before the United States of America was born in 1776, the 'colonial times', and it seems voters haven't really change a bit in 256 years!

George Washington, the father of country won his first election in 1758. Washington biographer Dennis Pogue, vice president of preservation at Washington's home of Mount Vernon said about elections, "Voting day was a reason to binge in Colonial times, and the candidate who served up the most hooch often won."

Dennis Pogue reveals that the father of the nation lost his first campaign in 1755 to the House of Burgesses largely because he didn't put on an alcohol-laden circus at the pollsThat year, Washington got 40 votes. The winner, who plied voters with beer, whiskey, rum punch, and wine, got 271 votes. 

A quick learner, Washington won three years later with the help of alcohol. "What do you know, he was successful and got 331 votes," says Pogue, author of the new book "Founding Spirits: George Washington and the Beginnings of the American Whiskey Industry." Washington's 1758 election to the House of Burgesses cost him 39 pounds, 6 shillings, a sum, which bought him 'a hogshead and a barrel of punch, thirty-five gallons of wine, forty-three gallons of strong beer, cider, and dinner for his friends.


Muslim History Molds Obama Choices for Future  

Islam is the religion of about one billion people and is a rapidly growing faith, particularly in Africa but also elsewhere in the world. The United States, for example, boasts almost a million converts to Islam (plus an even larger number of Muslim immigrants). The last of the three major Middle Eastern monotheisms, Muslims believe that their faith improves on the earlier ones. In their telling, Judaism and Christianity are but defective variants of Islam, which is God's final, perfect religion. 

If you go back far in history...

Adopting the world's clearly false, politically correct (PC) view of the place of the Crusades in history, Muslims have claimed the First Crusades were where the East first met the West, as if the Christians had invented the concept of a holy war against them. However, in examining the timing of many epoch events from 2 A.D. to 1099 A.D., sequentially prior to the First Crusades, they disprove that claim entirely. 

East and West had been fighting for at least 1,500 years before the first Crusade. The Romans established by bloody military conquest colonies in Mesopotamia, northwestern Arabia, and Assyria in the second century A.D. The Greek, Alexander the Great, attempted to conquer all of Asia, as far as India, in the fourth century B.C.  The Persians invaded Europe in an attempt to conquer the Greeks in the fifth century B.C.

In 624 A.D., Mohammed was a merchant in Arabia who had led a raid for booty and plunder against a Meccan caravan, killing 70 Meccans for mere material gain.

Between 630 A.D. and the death of Mohammed in 632 A.D., Muslims -- on at least one occasion led by Mohammed -- had conquered the bulk of western Arabia and southern Palestine through approximately a dozen separate invasions and bloody conquests. These conquests were in large part their own "Holy wars."

In 632 A.D., after Mohammed's death, the new Muslim caliph, Abu Bakr, launched Islam through invasion and war into almost 1,500 years of continual imperialist, colonialist, bloody conquest and subjugation of others, a role Islam continues to this very day.

From 632 A.D. to 661 A.D., Muslim conquests of the Levant, Christians suffered from the murderous invasions of Muslim conquerors who killed tens of thousands of Christians through four-and-one-half centuries of Muslim imperialist, colonialist conquest, made slaves and eunuchs of Christians for the pleasure of the caliphs, burned down or sacked the holiest churches in Christendom, robbed and killed thousands of Christians on holy pilgrimage, brutally sacked and pillaged Jerusalem, and pillaged the countryside of Israel.

In 732 AD the Muslim Army which was moving on Paris was defeated and turned back at Tours, France, by Charles Martel. 

In 1096–1099, the First Crusade started as a widespread pilgrimage (France and Germany) and ended as a military expedition by Roman Catholic Europe to regain the Holy Lands taken in the Muslim conquests of the Levant (632–661). The Crusaders ultimately won resulting in the recapture of Jerusalem in 1099 AD. The murderous and pillaging acts of the Crusaders when they entered Jerusalem were barbaric, unchristian, and evil. This is particularly so as those acts were carried on in the name of a religion of peace, love, and forgiveness to free the people of the Holy Land from their brutal masters and reclaim Christianity's holiest places for free Christian worship. Hatred had spurred the battles on as retributions were meted out in the victorious aftermath of the Crusades. Again, the bloody history of Islamic-Christian clashes did not end there; only to be fought in another day.

It illustrated the bitter divide between the Muslims against Christians and Jews which continues on with the violent actions of Muslims in the twenty-first century to regain their territorial claims with the annilation of Jerusalem Jews and establishment of a Muslim Palestinian State.

In 1571 AD the Muslim Army/Navy attacked southern Europe in the Battle of Le Panto and was defeated by the Italians and Austrians as they tried to cross the Mediterranean Sea.

In 1683 AD the Turkish Muslim Army, attacked Eastern Europe and was finally defeated in the Battle of Vienna by German and Polish Christian Armies.

This fighting has been going on over 1,400 years. Most U.S. politicians don't even know about history which makes them clueless to understand the upcoming Muslim Caliphate in the Middle East!

On Infidels - Non-Believers...

Christianity would be non-existent if those battles had not been won; we would be all speaking Arabic.

Judaism certainly would have been annihilated... And let us not forget that Hitler was an admirer of Islam and that the Mufti of Jerusalem was Hitler's guest in Berlin who raised Bosnian Muslim SS Divisions: the 13th and 21st Waffen SS Divisions killing Jews, Russians, Gypsies, and any other types of 'subhumans'.


A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they imagine that America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves.

Pause a moment, reflect back. These Muslim atrocities are from recent history. ...over the past fifty years to present.

Do you remember?... 

1. In 1968, Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, a Muslim. In 1989, he told interviewer David Frost, "My only connection with Robert Kennedy was his sole support of Israel and his deliberate attempt to send those 50 bombers to Israel to obviously do harm to the Palestinians." Some scholars believe that the assassination was the first major incident of political violence in the United States stemming from the Arab–Israeli conflict in the Middle East.

2. In 1972, at the Munich Olympics, 11 Israeli athletes were kidnapped and massacred by Muslims.

3. In 1972, a Pan Am 747 was hijacked and eventually diverted to Cairo where a fuse was lit on final approach, it was blown up shortly after landing by Muslims.

4. In 1973, a Pan Am 707 was destroyed in Rome, with 33 people killed, when it was attacked with grenades by Muslims.

5. In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over and 52 hostages taken 444 days by Muslims.

6. In the 1980's, Americans kidnapped with 25 hostages taken, two killed, in Lebanon by Muslims.

7. In 1983, Beirut US Marine barracks was blown up, 241 soldiers killed by Muslims.

8. In 1985, the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by Muslims.

9. In 1985, TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, and a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by Muslims.

10. In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 (Lockerbie, Scotland bombing) was a Pan Am transatlantic flight from Frankfurt to Detroit  was bombed by Muslims killing all 259 passengers and crew on board.

11. In 1993, the World Trade Center was first bombed with 6 killed, 100 wounded by Muslims.

12. In 1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed with 258 killed and 5,000 injured by Muslims.

13. In 2000, the USS Cole was attacked by suicide bombers who killed 17 sailors, while in port in Aden, Yemen for refueling. The attack was attributed to al Qaeda Muslims and foreshadowed the attack on the U.S. less than one year later on September 11, 2001.

14. In 2001, on 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as missiles to take down the World Trade Centers and of the remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was diverted and crashed by the passengers. About 3,000 people were killed by Muslims.

15. In 2002, the United States began a war in Afghanistan against al Queda and as of June 2014  up to 2,164 soldiers have been killed by Muslim terrorists.

16. In 2002, reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and beheaded in Afghanistan by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a Muslim.

17. In 2012, on 9/11/12, U.S. Benghazi diplomatic mission was attacked and four Americans killed including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Information Mgt. Officer Sean Smith, security officers Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty by Muslim terrorists. 

18. In 2013, Boston Marathon Bombing 4 Innocent people including a child killed, 264 injured by Muslims. 

The Obama 'Cut and Run' Doctrine has doomed the Middle East to war since theObama confers with Sec of State Hillary Clinton. Caliphate is now on the march, has not relented or been apologetic for any overt aggressions in the Middle Eastern region. Talking about peace is now over and that was all that Obama had anyway in his military arsenal after his Arab Spring 'feel-good' strategies for kumbaya moments. Now that U.S. foreign policy is in a hapless position, like Scarlett O'Hara in 'Gone with the Wind', Obama says, "I'll think about that Tomorrow....After all, Tomorrow is another Day!" and so Obama has turned his attentions homeward ignoring any further military incursions abroad.

Obama clearly explains his Egyptian foreign policies.Here in the United States our major national policies are in flux due to those efforts being diverted to domestic issues by the Obama administration. Now American politics to bolster the outgoing Obama legacy is taking precedence over our defense, safety and well-being of the country. As an outgoing President he is looking for any disparate policy wins to seal his record accomplishments as he comes down to the finish line--it looks pretty slim too; and he knows it.

So Muslim History shapes Obama's future just like Jimmy Carter suffering under the Iran Hostage Crisis, except this time the President will not be alone.

  • Hillary Clinton, the upcoming Democrat Presidential candidate, was absolutely complicit in crafting major Obama foreign policies and international relations while overseeing his failed affairs as U.S. Secretary of State--not exactly a steller record to stand on--it's really toxic political poison!