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Entries in Obama Defense Dept (5)


Seen the TV Ads for the Obama Prescription for Iran?


David Zucker, filmmaker of movie franchises like the Naked Gun, Scary Movie and Airplane! fame, on a radio talk show told about his latest project. It was to present the Obama Iranian deal like one of those prescription medicine ads you see so frequently on TV these days.

This commercial starts off telling you what wonderful things this new medication will do for you. Very soon after, they start rolling out at the bottom of the screen very hard to read tiny words while telling you of all the possible deadly side effects (spending 90% of the ad on the side effects).  

Time: 01:27



Iran's New ISIS-Like Video - Another Obama Flop! 


Time: 01:43

Credit: Brietbart News Review 

The video begins by quoting President Obama when he mentioned that the United States could quickly dispose of Iran’s military apparatus, should the U.S. need to deploy the military option to stop Iran from becoming armed with a nuclear weapon.

Next, a photo of the White House appears, with the Ayatollah’s voice in the background stating, “A U.S. official has said that he can destroy Iran’s army.”

“I do not want to say anything more in this regard. Our predecessors used to call such statements, ‘boasting among strangers,’'Khamenei adds, as another image is shown of an individual pulling a weapon out while standing next to two men who appear to be a portrayal of Americans in cowboy hats.

The video then highlights Iran’s military arsenal, and includes a short animation of ships storming a “USS NAVY” warship, while also showcasing its homemade tank, and a U.S. drone that Iran claims it has reengineered for its military’s use.

Next, the video flashes to a photo that shows two missiles along with a Hezbollah flag and a photo of its leader, Hassan Nasrallah.

“We neither welcome nor begin any war,” the Ayatollah’s voice continues, while an animation appears of an Iranian missile being fired at U.S. troops in Afghanistan. “They must know that should any way break out, one will emerge humiliated out of it,” he adds.

“One will emerge humiliated out of it,” and it “will be invading and criminal America,” Khamenei concludes, as a photo is shown of American soldiers carrying a coffin draped with an American flag.

The video concludes with a photo of Khamenei marching among Iran’s military leaders with the caption, “Iranian Army.”

Khamenei’s provocative video comes just days after he threatened to annihilate Israel within the next 25 years.

“Firstly, you will not see 25 years; God willing, there will be nothing as Zionist regime by next 25 years. Secondly, until then, struggling, heroic and jihadi morale will leave no moment of serenity for Zionists,” the Iranian dictator tweeted Wednesday.

The same day, the Mullah pledged that Iran would never again negotiate with the “Great Satan” America following the nuclear accord between world powers and Tehran.


Obama Doctrine Seen by a U.S. Navy Admiral

Much has been written on the merits and demerits of the Iran Deal, not enough has been said about its principal sponsor, Obama.  He has a swagger of a man who has never seemed to have encountered a point of view he respected, or comes to grips with his limits of his own intelligence where information is never complete and truth is rarely more than partial. Here are some more solid points to consider.

On February 11, 2015 Admiral (Ret) James Lyons spoke briefly on "Islam as a Threat Doctrine" to defeat the United States. Any thinking American can grasp this non-partisan assessment of both Republican and Democratic administrations' reactions to the World Islamic jihad against non-Muslims.

The Obama Strategy

    • Anti-American 
    • Anti--Western
    • Pro-Islam
    • Pro-Iranian
    • Pro-Muslim Brotherhood

Take time to learn the real facts about our U.S. military officers and politicians. Assess for yourself why we are in such a mess - See who is at fault! 

Time: 03:52

There's plenty of blame to go around with President Obama alone.

Let's remember past mistakes that focus on changes in the future!


Can Islamists All Just Get Along With Us?

Our present agenda at Rovalocity has been to highlight Muslim foreign and domestic threats as the Middle East has exploded to emerge an Islamic Caliphate spanning the Middle East to defeat the USA, 'the Great Satan.' It has been daunting, but I have received many emails and resources offered to show who are our country's real enemies--I never would have seen this video if it weren't for my readership sharing ideas. I strongly urge all of you to view it, it's time to take off the gloves now!

During the recent Rovalocity editorials, guest columns and video we have been logically reasoning as a civilized group about what the Islamic Muslim Terrorists are planning to do. Believe it or not, we have had liberal Obama apologist Democrats who poo-poo and have scoffed at what has been presented. They have demeaned and berated these Muslim American women who have spoken out at various forums. Their vile vitriol attacks these women as 'uneducated' because they do not pronounce English as clearly as they should and even questioned who wrote their books. I pointed out to one apologist that they also speak many different Arabic languages and dialects fluently too. I would love to hear him speak Farsi, let alone some British Cockney or American New Yorker, Bostonian, Southerner or New Jersey dialects!

What Islamist are doing right in their Jihad, Holy War, goes beyond all of the words we can say conversationally. It is now time to show what NO American news broadcast will air on any national television station--Now, see for yourself what is happening and tell us how you WOULD describe these Islamic 'freedom fighters' - It's a One Minute Video! 


They are without conscience or restraint and are absolutely dedicated to our (all "infidels") destruction and the destruction of the U.S.A.. Muslim Jihadists plan to do the same to us and our children given the opportunity just as in the 9/11 NYC attacks.  We need to see what our mortal enemy looks like--no one has heard any condemnation of this heinous act by any of our "peaceful" moderate Moslems!

Time: 01:13

Reviewer comment: This video depicts the execution in Iraq of a group of Christian men by a Terrorist group of Jihadi Moslems who with excitement carry out their religious mission to exterminate all of the 'Christian Infidels.' 


Obama Drops A-Bomb on Pentagon Generals 

On October 12, 2013, ABC’s Dianne Sawyer brought us a video of a 9th, yes 9th, General fired from the military that week. Martha Raddatz, ABC News Chief Global Affairs Correspondent, reported the story. It’s now even reaching some of the more liberal news media stations and begging the question, “What is going on here?”


 Time: 02:02

As ABC News reports, this was an extremely alarming rate and one of the biggest, fastest purges of military personnel ever recorded. It apparently was such a shock at that rate, even a long time veteran news reporter like Dianne Sawyer at one point got so heated said about two Commanders of the Nuclear Command, "You don’t put people who are not very intelligent and without a squeaky clean record over that area of the Military.' It was enough to make the hardest and staunchest of Obama supporters, as these ABC news anchors, to even pause and ask themselves, “What step is Obama planning next?”

Some people say it seems like President Obama is preparing for what he calls “my military” for his version of the final solution as he is purging the military ranks.

"Retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely is a former commanding general of theMaj. Gen. Paul Vallely Pacific Command and a Fox News senior military analyst. He identifies one of the chief architects of this implosion by design as Obama’s close adviser, Valerie Jarrett.  Read Vallely's ideas below and make up your own mind.

"Jarrett, nicknamed “the Night Stalker” due to her frequent overnight stays at the White House, is roughly the equivalent of what Karl Rove was to George Bush. She is, in whatever malevolent form it may assume, Obama’s brain. She is reputed to be responsible for the rampant “political correctness” that has taken over the military and infected all levels of the services.

"To this point, at least twelve generals and flag officers have been relieved of duty through a personnel maneuver, accusation or forced “voluntary” resignation. Many of these upper echelon officers are dependent upon their military connections for after-service careers and not inclined to forthcoming with complaints or information. Vallely considers this to be the handiwork of Valerie Jarrett.

"Jarrett as, “a Chicago lawyer with far-left roots. She is one of Obama’s closest advisers, and has been throughout his career, well before his presidential campaign and Oval Office occupancy. Valerie Jarrett has shadowed his career, largely staying out of the limelight, but is today widely recognized as perhaps the single most influential person, aside from wife Michelle, on Barack Obama.”

"Maj. Gen. Vallely denounces Jarrett as the driving force which is causing senior officers to be proactively defensive and to second guess all of the actions of their subordinates. Jarrett's official title is that of a Senior Adviser with responsibilities for the offices of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs. That could mean almost anything, but what it is in actuality is a very powerful shadow figure.

Valerie Jerrett, Presidential Advisor"Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah is quoted as saying that Jarrett influences nearly every policy issue at the White House. “She seems to have her tentacles into every issue and every topic,” says Chaffetzs. “Her name ultimately always comes up.”

"The Washington Post calls Jarrett the president’s “mysterious” adviser.

"Author Ed Klein, a former editor-in-chief of the New York Times magazine, commented in a Washington Times report that Jarrett was the “architect” of the Obama strategy to blame Republicans in Congress for a White House engineered government shutdown.

"According to Klein, “She convinced the president that a government shutdown and default offered a great opportunity to demonize the Republicans and help the Democrats win back a majority in the House of Representatives in 2014.”

"It is the opinion of Vallely that Obama is “intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.”

"Maj. Gen. Vallely compares what is presently happening in the form of intrusive surveillance by ranking American military personnel into personal matters of mid-level officers and enlisted personnel with what was done by the “political commissars from the Communist era.”

Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely"Giving an example, Vallely said, “Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley couldn’t even talk about radical Islam and other issues that the Obama administration is putting out.” Lt. Col. Dooley was relieved of duty as a military instructor for his approved course titled “Perspectives on Islam and Islamic Radicalism.” He was publicly condemned by Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for the way in which Islam was portrayed.

"Jarrett and other Obama insiders seem to be behind the administration’s undeniable preference for and promotion of all things Islamic. Materials and personnel uncomplimentary to Islam, homosexuals and the Obama dictates have no place in today’s military.

"Our civilian leadership is intent on neutering our military effectiveness and ability to fight by making it as much of a tool for public relations tool as an instrument for being victorious in conflict. [Does this follow Obama's 'War of Words' tactics to use the United Nations to settle conflicts and talk our enemies to death with his flowery speeches?] 

"Our fighting men and women aren’t pleased with the direction of our forces but they are powerless to do anything about it. In the new Obama-Jarrett version of the American military, it’s Sensitivity First, that’s victory enough."

 Obama Bomb Loading Training Exercises