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Entries in Islam Radicals (3)


Seen the TV Ads for the Obama Prescription for Iran?


David Zucker, filmmaker of movie franchises like the Naked Gun, Scary Movie and Airplane! fame, on a radio talk show told about his latest project. It was to present the Obama Iranian deal like one of those prescription medicine ads you see so frequently on TV these days.

This commercial starts off telling you what wonderful things this new medication will do for you. Very soon after, they start rolling out at the bottom of the screen very hard to read tiny words while telling you of all the possible deadly side effects (spending 90% of the ad on the side effects).  

Time: 01:27



Hear U.S. Military Sing Out Obama Blues

This medley of satirical, musical tunes shows Air Force, Army, Navy and Marines anthems outing Obama's cave-ins to ISIS and Iranian Nuke-Give-Away Agreement.

Time: 02:30

The video has a great collection of toe-tapping, humming and whistling, sing-along tunes which every American recognizes, but will laugh out loud on how they sing a new tune!


Operation Fetal Position - U.S. Terrorist Policy

Islamaphobia v Islamreality


Here is a Tomi Lahren broadcast that's a hard-hitting, fact-laden, real-life report about how the American public is being lulled by the liberal left and Muslim Jihadists into a dangerous denial about impending current threats of Radical Islam attacks to our homeland. Obama does not even name Radical Islam as the enemy!

Pam Geller who is a well known political activist is 'On Point with Tomi Lahren' to discuss the Islamization of Europe and the United States. She has no problems with peaceful Muslims, Sikhs, Jews or Christians; clearly the problem is with Jihad. Listen to her thoughtful, intelligent assessment about those who now just remain quiet while being told it will all be okay; sadly we will not be okay as the attacks begin. Is this pre-9/11 no terrorist plan mentality, it's deja vu all over again? 

The Muslims believe they're destined to control the entire world which is divided into two parts, Dar al Islam and Dar al Harb. Dar al Islam refers to those lands where Muslims can practice their religion as the ruling sect. Dar al Harb, Territory of war, means that the rest of the world will be ruled under Muslim laws.

It is Sharia law where infidels, non-believers, must pay dhimmitude tax. It's  a tax that allows for Muslims to tolerate their presence and as a coercive means of high taxes with second-class positions in society to force converting conquered non-believers to Islam or to exist, thereby subsist, under Muslim rule or be killed.

Ain't that Muslim life just great with our tolerant Islamic brothers? 

Time: 07:16