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NOTICE:  Some media links are no longer available; they either have been dropped or deactivated by their site sponsors - however, the video content descriptions have been retained for reference.


Nixon Shows Obama What is a Real Class Act!

On May 24, 1973, President and First Lady Nixon hosted American Prisoners of War held captive in Vietnam for the largest dinner ever held at the White House. 40 years later, the Richard Nixon Foundation hosted what was perhaps their last reunion gathering. The following is a collection of television and print news coverage.

President Nixon had his faults, but being Commander and Chief of our Military was not one of them .....

Time: 12:06

Feel proud on this Christmas and NEVER forget those who never came home and those still serving in foreign lands.  


iPhone Doctor On Call For You

This is what they call modern technology - this cardiologist is certainly on the 'cutting edge.'  Although this was televised three years ago, many people have not seen this newscast  article  Looks like the future of diagnostic medicine and treatment is going to be quite revolutionary. This is just amazing as to what is predicted in medicine. This is truly worth watching.  Please watch and then spread the word. This is too good to keep to yourself! ...and by the way, it's now administered to patients in a hospital near you! 

Time: 8:50

Now this is real Healthcare Savings For Everyone!


Where Do the Richest Candidates Live?

Campus Reform Correspondent Cabot Phillips played "Candidate's Cribs" with young people in front of the White House. After trying to guess which Presidential candidate has lived in a series of mansions, many of them were shocked to find out who had lived in them.

Whose mansion is it? 
Here are 4 pictures of mansions and the names of several of the 2016 presidential candidates - can you match the mansion with its owner? Be ready for a big surprise !!! 

Time: 02:31



Hear the Truth on Trump!

Donald Trump seems to be the frontrunner in the GOP primary. In this video, you'll find out what everyone hears about The Donald!  ...he wants to reinstate tariffs, secure the Mexican border and repeal obama-care, or does he?

Time: 05:04

Bill Whittle's assessment of The Donald is insightfully presented with a lot to think about, but it's got even more to digest as many of his points hit home with hard facts. As they say, "You listen and then you decide!"


Going Bananas! ...over Bananas?

Amazing! ...And it’s all about everyone’s favorite crooked fruit: Bananas!

Everyone knows that they are the most delicious when they are still fresh and unspoiled. But as soon as the first brown spots pop up, they belong in the blender or, even worse, in the trash.

Now according to this video, that is all over now. How Insane! ...Now you always have fresh bananas and will save some money! How cool is that?

Time: 02:07