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NOTICE:  Some media links are no longer available; they either have been dropped or deactivated by their site sponsors - however, the video content descriptions have been retained for reference.


Bad Gun vs Good Gun Issues

This is another example of citizens who would register their guns and be stopped from obtaining any firearms. This disturbing police videocam footage of a recent traffic stop that took place in Middlefield, OH shows the actually realities police officers face every day. 

The Female officer (behind the wheel) had only been on the job a month and lost her left index finger. The Male officer (riding shotgun) suffered only slight injuries.

The majority of police personnel can personally “relate” to what you’re about to view based on their own in-field experiences from law enforcement careers. It definitely lends truth to the old adage.… "expect the unexpected!"

Time: 02.51


METH: The World's Most Dangerous Drug

Call 911 or Pull a Smith & Wesson?

Whatever works for you, but as for me support my right to bear arms. This should convince anyone that the right to bear arms is a necessity with no end to drug use in sight.

How do you talk sense to a Meth high, crazed, out-of-his-head lunatic to stop breaking into your house to steal money to deal drugs at any cost, including killing you in the process? Can you wait 30 mins for police?

 This is the other side of the story that Obama never discusses with his Gun Control Laws!

Comparative Mug Shots - 7 Years Apart

You are invited to take a look at this PBS video,  METH: THE WORLDS MOST DANGEROUS DRUG, and make your own mind up about Meth addiction and how it affects us all. 

By Lisa Ling - PBS Reporter & Journalist


Time: 51:18


Watters’ World: Obama’s biggest fans edition 

Investigative Reporter, Jesse Watters, quizzes the President’s die-hard fans on the IRS, AP, and Benghazi scandals in New York City on May 22, 2013. This video may show why the public outrage has no visible increases or jumps, as the much-beleaguered mainstream media continues its meager public newstream and information services. Do you think there may be some problems with understanding these issues by Obama supporters?

Time: 03:25

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