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Entries in Hillary for President Campaign (1)


Obama America's Great Divide

Daily KOS Blog Site - L.A. Times Editorial Cartoon 

Dateline: October 22, 2012  

It is always instructive to visit the past since it offers the best perspective looking into the future, especially when it reveals 'blatant factual distortions' that must be challenged--i.e., 'out-and-out lies' repeated as facts during the last election cycle.

To say this cartoon message is 'overstated' is 'understated'. It's simply the incendiary label of the opposition as 'conspiracy mongers' that inflame the bipartisan political party passions. What negative political purposes do they then serve?

  • Voters are distracted from real focus on specific issues.
  • 'Name-calling' sound bites kill one's credibility - 'Conspiracy Mongers'
  • Cartoon characters dramatically depict archetypical bigot stereotypes.     
  • American Flag verses Obama Logo lapel pins define sides.
  • Older verses Younger generations reflect out-of-date patriotic values.
  • Real factual issues are listed as ignorant, paranoid.

Here are six reader comments printed below that cartoon when it appeared in the Daily KOS on October 22, 2012:  (All of these bloggers AGREE with the cartoon - scary stuff to think that these people vote too)

1. Wow... the characters he [Horsey] drew to represent Obama haters and supporters [Right-wing nuts]... LOL.(Really, wouldn't you rather sip chardonny with the couple [Liberals] on the right?)
2. Hopefully inaacurate... I'm a chubby guy with moobs [man boobs], too. Doesn't make me a RW [Right-wing] freak. I do not however sport a flattop.
3. If a Candidate or His Supporters... are inclined to believe in conspiracies, then all bets are off as to what they [Right-wing]will believe or do. Simply shameful.
4. THIS is why we need to follow the Right's lead and wrap their failures... and perceived failures--around their necks when they happen.
5. Why can't Obama just say this, when Romney brings up Benghazi at the  [2012 Presidential] debates tonight?:

Yes, Governor, 4 Americans lost their lives in Benghazi last month.  

The last time your party was in power, Governor, over 3,000 innocent Americans lost their lives on American soil.  And 7 years later, when the last Republican Commander-in-Chief left office, the terrorist responsible was still at large, and we were bogged down in two wars, one of which had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. [Liberal talking points]

So we will investigate what happened in Benghazi last month, but I will cede no ground to the Republican party when it comes to safeguarding American lives, because your [Republican] party has nothing but a track record of shame and failure on that count. [Faulty reasoning since New York 9/11 was a surprise Jet crash attack and Benghazi 9/11 was an ongoing militant soldier attack that could have been stopped with a U.S. military intervention over two hours].   

6. Obama can't say this [about safeguarding issues] because we didn't hold Bush and the Republicans accountable [at the time] for their failures. We [Liberals] have to do that.  It may be too late, now. But let's learn, people. [Obama wisely didn't hold Bush responsible or he would have sounded like a '9/11 truther' conspiracy nut believer like Van Jones, Obama's fired Green Jobs Czar.]

Conservatives should brace up as Hillary's attack dogs are coming out early in this new 2016 Presidential Election cycle. Let's take some political lessons from the 2012 Obama DNC tactics, since they are the same organizations currently ramping up for the 'Hillary for President campaign.'