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Entries in Wristband technology (1)


See the Hottest New Invention Out: Wrist Computer

No doubt you have seen the new wrist watches that have computers in them.Dick Tracy got his 2-Way radio watch in Jan, 1946. After I personally wore one brand, the Motorola watch, Moto 360, with blue tooth communication at a Best Buy store recently, the glamour and thrill immediately dropped away. They were too big and bulky to wear on my wrist and I am a man, so a woman will find it even more cumbersome to wear it herself in spite of their glitzy ads showing sexy women wearing these bulky wrist manacles on slender arms as fashion statements.

There were others there that looked like those slim techno sports wristbands that read heart, caloric burn rates, etc. They had small digital displays, but all appeared to be "first to the marketplace" products but whether they are the be-all end-all yet for this new computer form will be hard to say at this moment.

With the Cicret Bracelet, you can make your skin your new touch screen. Read your mails, play your favorite games, answer your calls, check the weather, find your way…Do whatever you want on your arm. 


Please view this video and see an amazing new device, the Cicret bracelet. 

Time: 02:44



Here's the background story: 

With the twenty-first century now leaping forward so quickly, the world isThe "Real Deal" medicine sold to cure all what ails you. hurtling into the information age with the help of computer aided devices; we as a population are caught up in this whirlwind of new discoveries. Our world of imagination seems limitless as new discoveries and technological developments keep magically appearing daily. When will it stop? Hopefully never because that's what excites people to give them a reason to live. With that ominous promise comes responsibility, not so much to finding new discoveries but as it should also be a promise to each other to be vigilant too. With all of these ideas come the quacks, hucksters, charlatans and purveyors of absolute flim-flam and false claims--buyers beware in these times of new discoveries, someone is out there to just plain screw you.

This is probably by far one of the greatest scams of all time, even beating out ridiculous ones from Liberia. Those ones are real classics, but on an obvious real big doofus scale of over the top dumb people's bait and switch swindles. The sophistication of this scam is right near to the top of a "Bernie Madoff" mega-scale of lying and deceit mixed up with a lot of scientific mumble jumbo that sounds so convincing too.

Go to see more info at At their official site you notice in the header box several areas to click on to select. If you click on the "Donate" link button this message will appear: 

Help us to release the Cicret App and the Cicret Bracelet!

  • We need €300,000 euros ($246,000) to develop the CICRET APP on all the platforms.
  • We need €700,000 euros ($574,000) to finish the first prototype of the CICRET BRACELET.

So feel free to donate an amount of your choice. If everyone gives us 1 euro, we will make it ($820,000) and release our products!

(€1 euro = $.82 as of 01/01/2015)

For a donation, fill in the form below.

Do NOT support this with any donations.

1. This is not a concept video, it's everything made in CGI, Computer Generated Imagery, and other special effects graphics programs to appear as a real viable working product to unknowing people about this newest revolutionary technologic idea.

2. It is impossible to show a light image on skin outside in the sunlight, for this to become possible, the "bracelet projector bulb" would have to be brighter and stronger than the actual sun itself, which could possibly vaporize your eyes and skin, cause skin cancer and burn your arm--think of all of the computer projectors that have difficulty being seen with their powerful lights in bright rooms too.

3. Any white color or similar light colors, would show as invisible on your skin, in this video they showed white background when surfing on the internet etc. which is completely incorrect. I saw only light skin Cicret users; so how about if you have black or dark skin, doesn't that figure into this imagining technology too?

4. This entire so called "project" is a quick scam to milk money out of the ignorant people. So, the best thing you could do is report this to PayPal and inform them about how this fraud going on in hopes of people being warned or possibly getting their money refunded back. 

5. Microtechnology is not advanced yet that anyone could fit their specifications into a tiny bracelet, such as GPU, CPU, RAM, Memory etc.

6. You may have failed to notice that when you would place your finger in front of the bracelet's projector window, it should be overlapped with a shadow on the image screen, just like when you're walking in front of a projector or a cinema screen. Projecting an image from such a low angle would be massively difficult at best if not outright impossible. The slightest bump in the skin would grossly distort or even block the image and don't forget to exfoliate your hair too.

7. Even if this was real and they had the technology to do it, but required money to do so, Google, Samsung, Apple etc. would pay huge amount of money to own/collaborate with this "company" called Cicret. Even other investors like Amazon and Facebook would be falling over each other to invest money into this idea since it has never been done before. Do you people see any of this happening in the news? No, because it's fake and a scam.

Credit: Various other blog site commenters with many insightful shared ideas.

If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is just that--Not true!