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Entries in Hillary's Religion (1)


Hillary's Religious Issues

Most recently, President Obama and Hillary Clinton have been referring to "freedom of worship," rather than "freedom of religion." Do you understand their motive? They are suggesting that Americans are free to worship in their churches and synagogues, but not in the public square.

The piling on of all the Federal Government Laws and regulations is only the beginning of asserting control over our religious civil liberties. Therefore, the character assassination of anyone that contradicts or challenges the omnipotent leaders is strictly prohibited. This all follows the anti-Judeo-Christian narratives that want to deny any freedom of speech to defend our religious values or institutions.

The key issue is the government establishment doesn't make the case for a "Dump-Trump" Campaign. So since all decisions women should make, according to Hillary Clinton, revolve around female issues, you must focus only on what's up your skirt between your legs. Those issues are free contraception services, partial birth abortions, guaranteed paid maternity leave and childcare. Instead, before any voter, especially women, take their bait you have to realize what you really give up, it's your own religious civil rights and about a leader who can be a Commander-in-Chief calling the enemy by their name, Radical Islamic Terrorists. 


In the haze of this "women's movement," a sheep-like pathos overcomes sanity in which Hillary Clinton sets women up to pay attention only to her Presidential agenda. This organic appeal further allows Hillary to divert attention away from her thin promises laced with crumbs of truth that plump up her lies that keep your eyes on her shiny objects - don't become obsessed, otherwise you can't focus on the truths. 

The Virtual Echo Chamber of News Pundits & Media are Hillary's Megaphone.

Donald Trump is The Choice, Not an Echo!