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Entries in Hillary Clinton sex charges unfounded (1)


Hillary Clinton & Bill C's Past

These days everyone has heard about Bill C. and already know about all his sexual encounters and conquests against vulnerable women. The outrage was voiced years ago when it happened and was swept under the carpet and buried under the memory lapse of time. Everyone knew about the sexual assaults with adult women and everyone winked it off as no big deal, after all other people like JFK and LBJ have done it too. So Bill's reputation was only slightly tarnished and sullied a little with a little sexism, he still got away with it. 

Wow! I guess you are all thinking of Hillary Clinton's attack playing the woman card and sexisim against Donald Trump and his charges when he went after her with a counter-attack about Bill C.  Actually my comments are about another Bill C. Are you confused yet?  You shouldn't be; because it's as plain as black and white, Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton are both sexual predators. They used financial positions of influence to bully and force women into sexually compromising positions and then literally overpowering them into silent submission.

Fair warning Hillary, don't go there about any male candidates, especially pulling your boy toy Bill around like a huggable, warm and fuzzy-likable baby doll. Let's not forget as it's been reported that when you were a young, slimy lawyer in a case about a twelve year old little girl raped by a pedophile that you attacked her by tearing apart her character in the witness stand and was later on heard chortling up about it? Voters see you as an unlikeable liar and really don't like you even more if you hold your Bill up to the light of day as this Saint to save your election bid. Get ready Hill, it's your own undoing, the gloves are now off!